The Book of Romance


The Bible is well-known for its wisdom about salvation in Christ and in living a life that pleases God. But did you know it can also guide us in matters of dating, courtship and marriage? Pastor Tommy Nelson has written a book, based on the book of the Song of Solomon, which explores these topics. This class is intended for single Christians and for parents with children in high school, college or in their single years. Perhaps parents will want to have their single sons and daughters read certain chapters at home, as a platform for teaching and discussion in these important areas. This class will begin on Sunday, July 1st, and will be taught by Pastor Cloeter.


Lessons include:


1. Who Are You Looking For?

2. The Person You Choose to Date

3. The Wonderful Period of Courtship

4. The Wedding God Desires You to Have

5. The Last

6. Conflicts

7. The Resolution of Conflicts

8. Moving to Deeper Levels

9. Faithful Commitment