The Augsburg Confession

The Augsburg Confession

The First Confession of Faith of the Lutheran Church

Beginning near the end of June

Life and (religious) liberty were on the line when certain Lutheran rulers in Germany made a confession of their faith before the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V.  The emperor had called a meeting in Augsburg in order to restore unity to the church.  This unity had been threatened by the differences in teaching between the Roman Catholic Church and the followers of Martin Luther.  The Augsburg Confession, as it was named, was delivered orally before the emperor on June 25, 1530.  In this class we will take a look at this confession and its teachings, along with the Scriptures that support these teachings.  Topics this confession covers include:  God, Original Sin, the Son of God, Justification, New Obedience, the Church, Baptism, Confession, the Lord’s Supper, Faith and Works, the Marriage of Priests and Monastic Vows.  The class will be by Pastor Cloeter in Room 119.